I know the topic of this post seems very broad, yet so simple. Truth be told, it is one of the hardest things I feel that I have ever been entrusted to do. Over the next three or four posts, I will be blogging about my four pregnancies and the effects each of them had on me. So here goes: I became pregnant with my first son at the beginning of 2009. It was kinda sorta a planned pregnancy, as we desired to become pregnant but didn't think it would happen so quickly after making the decision to start trying. Of course, being that this was our first pregnancy, we were very cautious about a lot of things and for me that also included working out. I believe I was afraid that if I did too much, something would happen to the baby, as I was not well educated on the benefits of working out, let alone working out during pregnancy. I was so used to eating everything that I wanted without necessarily putting on noticeable weight that I took that same mentalit...