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Showing posts from January, 2014

What kind of heart is your seed falling on?

So during my devotion time I studied out of the book of Luke chapter 8 verses 9-15.   This  passage gave insight on the seed of God and described the different soil your seed has potential to fall upon.  It defined seed as being the word of God and it broke down and spoke on the four types of hearts (soil) the seed would fall upon. The first described is the seed that falls on the road, which is when one hears the word, but no sooner then they hear the enemy comes and snatches it from them so they don't believe.  The next one is the seed that falls in the gravel, which happens when one is super enthusiastic about what they heard but the enthusiasm doesn't run very deep. It's only another fad and the moment there is trouble, it's gone.  Then there is the seed that falls on weeds which happens when one hears the word but then the seed is crowded out and nothing comes of it, so people go about their lives worrying about tomorrow, making money, and having fun. ...

Re-dedicated, Refocused, And Recharged in 2014

Wow! It has definitely been a while since my last post, but I'm more focused and determined to do God's will like never before.  This New Year's my hubby and I, along with our two children, spent it in our church home with other family in friends.  It was such an amazing time as I felt led by God to re-dedicate my life to The Lord.  I felt like God was telling me that he wanted to elevate me to the next level of my spiritual walk, but in order for me to get to that point I had to submit and recommit myself to Him. Over the past year, I have been tried and tested.  I was pregnant for most of the year and during that time, though very different from the first time, I found myself at some points very overwhelmed and saddened, wondering how my husband and I would take care of not just one child but two.  During that time I also felt like I was at a stand still with my walk with God.  I think I felt this way because for the entire first trimester I was really ...