What comes to mind when you think of being unveiled? Unveiled means to remove a veil or covering from or to make public. Well, as I was removing the make up from my face yesterday after work, God said to me, "There is beauty in the unveiling." I took that to mean that there is beauty in my vulnerability, my imperfections, and those areas in my life that I don't view as so beautiful. The beauty is not necessarily found in the imperfection but in the fact that we need God to continuously perfect and heal us from those not so beautiful areas in our lives. So often we as people, especially us ladies, try to present ourselves to the world as well put together, without blemish or imperfection, so much so that we go before God the same way. We even go as far as trying to pray the most eloquent prayer and speak to him as if we are already perfect and have it all together. I don't know why we think that the Lord wants His people to be perfect. If we were perfect we wou...