From the age of five to the age of fourteen, I lived in what society considers the "projects." My experience of living and growing up in the projects was not physically bad, but on the inside I was being tormented with shame. I often wished that my family and I lived in a better part of town. My desire to live in a better neighborhood stemmed from me attending schools and having friends that lived in what I considered to be lavish homes when compared to where I lived. As I got older, it seemed as if the shame grew stronger and bigger. There was a time when one of my friends invited me to spend the night at her home, and though I was very excited and thrilled for the invite, a large part of me felt a sense of shame. All I could think was, if I accepted her invitation, she would find out where I lived, and she would no longer want to be my friend because of my neighborhood. I guess my real issue was that I felt that I...